Port Security
The Port of Oswego is regulated by the Maritime Transportation Security Act (MSTA). The Port has instituted a Facility Security Plan that includes policies and controls to assure compliance with the US Coast Guard regulations, and to help preserve the safety and security of our employees, visitors and contractors.
All persons on Port of Oswego property are required to comply with these regulations at all times. The Port Facility Security Officer (FSO) is responsible for the enforcement of these regulations at the Port of Oswego.
All visitors and contractors are subject to a search of their person, property, and/or vehicle. Anyone refusing to present identification or to being searched will be denied admission to the Port and may be subject to legal action.
Restricted Items
The following items may not be brought onto Port property.
- Explosives
- Firearms/Ammunition
- Other Weapons
Please be reminded not to bring any packages to the Port if they were given to you by someone you do not know.
The mission of the Port of Oswego Authority is to serve as an economic catalyst in the Central New York Development Council District Region by providing diversified and efficient transportation services and conducting operations in a manner that promotes regional and international growth and development while being mindful of our responsibility to serve as a steward of the environment.
Adopted - September 28, 2011
Revised - March 8, 2017